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Donate now and be a lifeline to vulnerable people throughout Britain

We must act now to support the most vulnerable in our communities and provide a lifeline to those in need. Our services provide vital support to people in hospitals and in the community and a gift from you today could help us to:

  • Support our on-the-ground teams to deliver welfare checks
  • Deliver essential groceries and prescriptions
  • Arrange transport trips to vital medical appointments
  • Help with the hospital discharge process
  • Support recovery at home after a stay in hospital
  • Provide companionship for isolated people
  • Provide community activities to boost social connections, whether in person or online

The need is urgent, please donate today.

Please give what you can, so we can give our all

Help us to be there for more vulnerable people

When Jeremy was told he had to have his second leg amputated, he feared he’d lose all independence and worried how he’d cope alone. With his home not being ‘wheelchair friendly’ Jeremy was trapped indoors. Thankfully he was put in touch with Royal Voluntary Service, and we were able to support him.

“Knowing that someone is there when you need them, should things get a difficult, is such a nice feeling. It gives you a little bit of calm and reassurance when you start to worry about how you’ll manage to do things. It would have been really easy for me to become a total recluse, but Royal Voluntary Service have stopped that happening to me.” 

A donation from you today could help us to be there for more people like Jeremy.

Right now, the NHS is under extraordinary pressure

Supporting vulnerable people at home has never been more important.

  • £10 could help a vulnerable person safely attend a vital medical appointment through our patient transport service.
  • £30 could help support someone returning from hospital alone with ongoing visits, food shopping and prescription collections.
  • £70 could cover the cost of recruiting, training, and placing a volunteer in an NHS hospital or local community. This will help us to be there for more vulnerable people when it matters most.

Please donate now and help provide life-sustaining support to the most vulnerable in our communities.

Always here to meet the needs of the day

Whatever the crisis, our volunteers have been giving their all for over 80 years. Since our inception as ‘WVS’ in 1938, we’ve always stepped up at times of national challenge. During WW2 we mobilised one million volunteers, supported victims of the Blitz, and managed the evacuation of children from the cities. Throughout our history, our vital services have been a lifeline to so many people.

The Coronavirus Pandemic has been an unprecedented event in our lifetime, and once again we stepped forward to support the NHS and the people of Britain through another period of great need. It’s clear that the pandemic had an increased impact on those already vulnerable or disadvantaged, and we will continue to work with people in hospitals and communities to help the nation recover.

Donations from people like you can help ensure we are always there when we are needed most – whatever the situation. Thank you.

Want to learn more?

Find out more on the ways we've been helping the NHS and Britain's communities and how you can get involved.