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Together we can make a real difference.

Belonging to the Royal Voluntary Service community means inspiring volunteers to support the nation’s health and wellbeing. It means tackling the most pressing social issues, in a workplace full of opportunities.

Our people are a welcoming team of individuals from every background who support one another to be their best. They are also some of the country’s most compassionate and dedicated people who step forward to help make society better connected and more inclusive – where everyone can thrive.

Join Royal Voluntary Service, and together we can change lives, change communities and change society.


Join Royal Voluntary Service, and together we can change lives, change communities and change society.

Our vision, mission and values

In every corner of Britain, Royal Voluntary Service mobilises volunteers to support those in need, in hospital and in the community. By inspiring the gift of voluntary service, we keep people happy, healthy and connected. Our volunteer work alongside the NHS and within communities to create more time to care.

Royal Voluntary Service puts voluntary service at the heart of our purpose. Like our founders, we will be prepared to address the needs of the day whatever they are.

Supporting you

We welcome everyone in the Royal Voluntary Service family, people of all ages and all backgrounds, and invite you to stay with us for as long as you wish.

Belonging to the Royal Voluntary Service family means you can expect support in your role so you can uphold the high standards expected by the charity.

Your development

When you start working at Royal Voluntary Service you become one of the family. We want you to succeed and will support you in your career development.

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